It's nearing the end of October and things have changed a lot this month. I have come into a possible photography business opportunity with a local photographer, Hayden & Hayden, and I am very excited to see where this might lead. Hopefully I will be ordering business cards here soon and moving forward here in Altus.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Looking Forward
Posted by lindsey tullberg at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: anniversary, bicycle, october, Oklahoma, pug
Friday, October 1, 2010

Posted by lindsey tullberg at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Aaron, cooking, new home, Oklahoma, Sunny, Wichita Wildlife Refuge
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
If I could describe this year in one word it would be "transition." So much in my life has changed just since 2010 rolled around. I moved back to Dayton, married my high school sweetheart, moved into our house, and after three weeks of marriage he left for Basic Military Training in San Antonio, TX. Not much time to settle into being newlyweds, but its the way things had to work out. Those incredible three weeks were followed by eight and a half incredibly difficult weeks, for him definitely but for me in other ways. The distance was hard..and not being able to talk to my best friend took a lot of getting used to..A few short phone calls and a few short letters. That time felt like years to me..I am just thankful that it is now in the past!
Posted by lindsey tullberg at 3:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Here I am
Life is ever changing....thats one thing I love and hate about it. I just married my best friend on February 26th, and he is shipping out for basic training for the Air Force on March 22nd....its coming up awfully fast. I only get three weeks total to just be married to this amazing man before he leaves me for eight and a half weeks...our only communication will be old fashioned letters..I know this will be a challenge and huge test of our relationship. Even harder, I know I have to be strong for him and not let him know how difficult it actually will be... I'm so excited for our future with the Air Force, who knows where we will be moving in August and how much life will change! I would be a fool if I wasn't at least a little scared.
Posted by lindsey tullberg at 4:58 PM 0 comments