So I am playing housewife, which is something new and challenging for me. I have been trying many new recipes for dinner and I'm learning how to cook pretty well in my opinion. :) Consequently, I have also gained weight due to my new cooking adventures! that needs to change. Getting on a regular workout routine is on my list of things to do. Also on my list is to get a job, which has so far been unsuccessful.
Aaron and I have done a lot of exploring in our area and so far, the wildlife refuge and quarts mountain lake are beautiful and fun places to go to be outdoors. Parts of southwest Oklahoma are very beautiful, while the rest of it is VERY flat! That being said, it is very different from East Tennessee.
Also, we have a little foster doggie here are our house that we found on the side of the road, along with three of her siblings. We took them to a nearby vet's office and they knew of the dogs and who a possible owner was, but they told us we could take one. We have named her Sunny. Not sure if we will get to keep her, but she is a sweet dog and she deserves a forever home. She was skinny and malnourished but is growing stronger and bigger everyday. Reese loves her already, haha. Well..I suppose that is all for now...God bless :)

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